Who is the target audience for the Coastal Resource Hub?

The Coastal Resource Hub is designed to be used by organizations conducting stormwater education and outreach. The materials on the site are created from submissions by water organizations in Wisconsin. It is our goal to make the outreach process and the creation of new content easier. We hope that all organizations along the Wisconsin coast use this material for the benefit of their own communities. 

What materials are housed on the Coastal Resource Hub?

The Coastal Resource Hub is intended to house material for stormwater and non point source water pollution education and outreach efforts. The content is organized by topics, which you can access directly by choosing “By Topic”  on the landing page. To find topics specific to the month of your outreach program, select “By Month.” Content types vary by topic, but include manuals, how to guides, photographs, fact sheets, and social media posts.

Can I upload my materials?

Not only can you, but it is essential to the vision of the Coastal Resource Hub. The Lake Michigan Stakeholders (LMS) will upload contributed content to the Resource Hub, where it can be used by anyone doing stormwater education along the coast. Materials can be uploaded via a file submission box at the bottom of each topic page, or a general content submission box found on the landing page.

What files are accepted?

The submission box accepts almost all file types, with the exception of video files (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .txt, .pdf, .docx, .doc, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx) . Additionally, there is a 10MB maximum on files. If you have multiple files that total over 10KB, try submitting the files separately. Video links (i.e. YouTube link or a drop box link) can be submitted via the “comments” section of the form.

Who reviews the materials that are submitted?

Materials are reviewed by select members of the LMS steering committee and may be altered or combined with other sources to ensure the highest quality content. The Coastal Resource Hub is intended to simplify and unify Great Lakes coastal messaging, and therefore, regionally specific content is likely to be altered so it can be used by the widest variety of outreach professionals.

What can I take directly from the Coastal Resource Hub?

All material uploaded to the resource hub will be available for download by any interested party. Materials can be taken completely, partially, or simply used for information and inspiration.

how do i subscribe to the lms listserv?

In addition to downloads, content will be actively distributed via the LMS listserv. To subscribe to the listserv and receive this content, send a blank email to You should receive an immediate response with instructions for confirming your interest in joining the group. Questions about the listserv can be sent to

How often is new content uploaded?

Updates to the housed content will occur at various intervals, depending on the time of year and how much content is being submitted. By subscribing to the LMS listserv, you will receive content on month appropriate topics for you to share with your network of community members and organizations.